Whitby lauds new blood to speed WA environmental approvals
The WA environment minister wanted to tackle bureaucrats "at the desk doing the same thing for 15 years, telling people why something can't be done."
Chevron's CO2 injection on Barrow Island for the Gorgon LNG project is WA's only carbon capture and storage project. It is the world's largest CCS project dedicted to burying greenhouse gases, not increasing oil production.
Gorgon LNG has emitted 7 million tonnes of climate-warming CO2 more than permitted but Chevron is unlikely to suffer at the hands of lax Australian governments.
Chevron's ambitious injection of Gorgon CO2 shaped the $US54B LNG project and a year after starting up 2.5 years late its long-term performance remains to be proved.
Chevron's $2.5B effort to cut bury emissions from its Gorgon LNG project has been thwarted by equipment failures.
Chevron’s Gorgon project has to start injecting CO2 underground or it can emit more CO2 than all of Collie’s coal-fired power stations.
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