BP puts $1b Kwinana hydrogen and clean fuel projects on ice
The two projects will be "recycled" amid BP's concerns about costs and government policy.
Boiling Cold is independent news and insight into energy, industry and climate in Western Australia
Australia's biggest and driest state has a lot to lose from climate change but much to gain from the energy transition. Decisive action now is the best way to maximize the economic benefits and limit the environmental damage.
However, necessary change is often slowed by incumbents who benefit from the status quo.
Their views are relevant, but in WA the coordinated power of rich individuals, resource companies, their lobby groups and willing media combined with a lackluster political class means alternative perspectives and stories that don't align with the agreed narrative are drowned out.
Much news coverage misses this with a short term focus on squabbles between those insiders and who will make the most money out of the game as it is played now. It is reporting about who gets a seat at the captain's table, not whether the ship is heading for an iceberg.
Boiling Cold is news for the rest of us: citizens, voters, employees, communities and the curious; those who want an independent perspective on what is really happening, governments working for their citizens, and a future WA with a robust economy coexisting with an environment we can all enjoy.
Boiling Cold's approach is different:
All of this takes time, so there won't be a story every day, but there will be stories you would never read otherwise. Stories that hold the powerful to account.
This work requires time and independence, but it will have little impact hidden behind a paywall read by a select few, so Boiling Cold is free for all to read.
That means it can only survive with your support.
Please consider chipping in each month to help others know what's going on and hold the powerful to account so we can push them towards acting in the long term interests of all of us.
Alternative, a one off tip would be fantastic.
If you are in a position to offer more substantial support, please make contact.
Boiling Cold is written by Peter Milne, who previously covered energy for The West Australian, started and ran Boiling Cold in 2020 and 2021, then covered business for WAtoday.
There he won five MEAA WA Media Awards, including for numerous exclusives exposing the threat to Perth's water supply from Alcoa's clearing of jarrah forest to mine bauxite.
Prior to journalism, he had a 20-plus years oil and gas career in engineering, economic analysis and commercial negotiation roles.
You can follow Boiling Cold on LinkedIn, Bluesky, Facebook, Twitter/X, Google News or through RSS.
Banner image: Santos gas plant on Varanus Island - Imagery ©2024 Airbus,CNES / Airbus, Maxar technologies, Map data ©2024
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