Whitby lauds new blood to speed WA environmental approvals
The WA environment minister wanted to tackle bureaucrats "at the desk doing the same thing for 15 years, telling people why something can't be done."
The Federal Government controls offshore oil and gas production outside of nearshore State waters and determines emission and climate policy.
In The Hague this week, Australia worked hard to minimise the legal liability of major emitters and fossil fuel exporters for their contribution to climate change.
Australia has told the International Court of Justice it is "resolutely committed" to uphold the Paris Agreement in a landmark hearing brought by Vanuatu.
WA's EPA is now restraining growth in carbon emissions from industry but it and State and Federal Governments need to do more to keep the State attractive to increasingly climate-concerned investors.
A Federal Government review of safety in offshore oil and gas recommends more focus on design changes, diving and mental health and greater input from workers.
The Federal Government is seeking a contractor to move the troubled Northern Endeavour oil vessel but first it has to be made safe for towing.
Australia's oil and gas industry has lost the fight not to bear the full cost of cleaning up after an oil vessel in the Timor Sea with a bankrupt owner.
The Pilbara's giant Asian Renewable Energy Hub has been shocked by the Federal Government rejecting it on environmental grounds after awarding it major project status.
Australia cannot compete exporting difficult to transport hydrogen but could use it locally to make low emissions products like ammonia for overseas markets.
In this week's budget the Morrison Government ignored clean energy and instead took a long-odds bet that carbon capture and storage will allow fossil fuels to carry on untouched by climate concerns.
For every dollar Woodside saved in 2015 selling the Northern Endeavour, the oil and gas industry may have to pay back threefold after the Federal Government moved to protect ordinary taxpayers from the cost of decommissioning the vessel and oil field.
WA will be home to two of the largest green hydrogen electrolysers in the world to feed an ammonia plant and inject the clean fuel into the South West gas grid.
Investors in Australia's offshore oil and gas industry will find it harder to avoid paying to clean up the assets they profited from under draft legislation released today.
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