BP puts brakes on Kwinana clean fuel plans
BP has stood down contractors working on its biofuel plant just weeks before discovering if its adjacent green hydrogen project will win $1 billion of government backing.
Western Power is the WA Government-owned monopoly provider of power transmission and distribution in the South West of WA.
The Parron wind farm could slash the carbon pollution from generating WA's power by one million tonnes a year.
WA energy policy in Labor's second term may have to tackle tough issues avoided so far, including tariffs, Collie's future, the role of gas, and a path to net-zero by 2050.
Rooftop solar will make South-West WA power greener, but there is no path outlined for Collie's future or to net-zero by 2050, according to a WA Government study.
Pacific Energy has bought into the standalone power systems market that is growing as Western Power shrinks its transmission network to save cost and increase reliability.
Plans to manage excessive midday solar power in WA's South-West may allow solar and batteries to displace coal and gas in the long-term.
Pilbara resource projects can access more competitive power and the South-West grid more easily add batteries and standalone power systems after law changes last week.
A WA parliamentary inquiry has supported microgrids as a key element in the State's spread out power system.
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