BP puts brakes on Kwinana clean fuel plans
BP has stood down contractors working on its biofuel plant just weeks before discovering if its adjacent green hydrogen project will win $1 billion of government backing.
Nuclear energy is shaping up as an election fig leaf like no other.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is set to unveil the cost of a controversial nuclear power plan should the coalition come to power at the federal election.
In this week's budget the Morrison Government ignored clean energy and instead took a long-odds bet that carbon capture and storage will allow fossil fuels to carry on untouched by climate concerns.
The WA energy trilemma: Labor is ready to go but don’t mention coal, Liberals want to drop coal but are light on detail, the Greens want to dump gas as well, and they all love green hydrogen.
The Liberals know where to take WA energy but probably not how to do it. Labor is on top of the detail but shy of facing the inevitable. So close to a bipartisan approach, will our political class blow it?
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